The ability to deeply and efficiently relax is a necessity to have a good and successful life. This seemingly trivial sentence was a starting point of an investigation on how we can manage stress in everyday life. Fast-paced reality and recent pandemics induce changes not only in our lives but also in our households - homes and flats very often need to be versatile enough to become offices, gyms, and chill zones at the same time. Pieceful explores the way that objects change - their character or function - within our dynamic lifestyles and how they shape our everyday landscape. My goal was to design a set of accessories suitable for a yoga practice at home, that could not only encourage exercising but also be a tool for creating a ritual of everyday relaxation.
 Pieceful consists of three elements that correspond with the three most important elements of a yoga practice - movement, breath, and relaxation: a wooden block, a metal incense holder, and a soft bolster pillow. Each one of them has an additional „hidden” function that encourages us to use it in a different situation. Not only makes it the objects more versatile but also prolongs their lifespan - in case one gives up on yoga practice - we are all only human after all. At the same time, those dual functionalities are fully intended - pieceful consists of items
that are used only for a short amount of time during the day, therefore another function gives a possibility to use it more often.The wooden block is a helper for more demanding yoga poses and is also a smartphone/tablet holder - during a yoga practice or off the mat it can hold your device. The bolster pillow hids two rolled blankets inside - one of them is a weighted blanket suitable for deep relaxation and the additional one is a cozy covering. The candle holder turned upside down has a space for putting incense of different shapes.
bachelor diploma 2022
supervision: dr Paweł Grobelny
fabrics: courtesy of Dekoma 

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